Home Actualité internationale CM – Billionaires Financial Firm That « Explores Immortality »
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CM – Billionaires Financial Firm That « Explores Immortality »

Altos Labs, a new anti-aging research company based in Silicon Valley, has attracted public attention due to billionaires among its investors. The company’s backers include names like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Russian Yuri Milner.

Research at Altos Labs focuses on biological reprogramming. Because of the billionaires who fund the company with « infinite money », Altos Labs manages to attract some of the scientists with the most promising research in the field of aging.

In addition to the high salaries, Altos Labs also promises to give scientists a lot of autonomy so that they can do their research. Among the names recruited is Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a biologist at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California.

Belmonte made headlines in 2017 when he launched controversial research aimed at creating a human-pig chimera. Shinya Yamanaka, winner of the 2012 Nobel Medicine Prize for a survey on the reversal of aging, will chair the Altos Scientific Advisory Board.

According to Yamanaka, the company has great potential, but there are still many hurdles to overcome in the area of ​​biological reprogramming. This method aims to bring rejuvenation to the cellular level, which has been described as a possible key to immortality.

There are other startups doing research on biological reprogramming, but none have as much financial support as Altos Labs. The desire to live as long as possible unites most billionaires, a fetish that fuels many conspiracy theories.

For example, it is the search for longer that fuels Elon Musk’s quest to colonize Mars. Jeff Bezos also makes no attempt to hide the fact that he would be an immortal person if he could. It is understandable, therefore, that those who can, should pay for the hope of longer lives.

An example of the autonomy that is given to scientists is the fact that the company is not with tight deadlines or is difficult to achieve achieving goals works. According to the company, they are looking for « great science », but there is no explanation what that means.

According to Manuel Serrano, a former researcher at the Spanish Biomedical Research Institute, who was also attracted to Altos Labs, the goal is of the company’s understanding of rejuvenation. According to him, achieving immortality is on the radar, but not an immediate goal.

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Jeff Bezos,Ageing,Startup company,Jeff Bezos, Ageing, Startup company,,,,News,Tech,Society,Jeff Bezos,startup,,,,,

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