Home Actualité internationale CM – COVID-closed schools in 19 nations risk a « generational disaster »: UN
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CM – COVID-closed schools in 19 nations risk a « generational disaster »: UN

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PARIS, France – Schools remain due in 19 countries the pandemic, which affects 156 million children who are at risk of a « generational disaster », warned the heads of two UN agencies on Monday.

In the statement by the UNICEF and UNESCO leaders responsible for children’s issues and education it says: « Governments have closed schools too often and closed them for long periods of time, even when the epidemiological situation is not right manufactured.  » They advised that « schools should be the last to close and the first to reopen, » with the effects of closings ranging from lower educational attainment to mental health problems and increasing malnutrition.

« We urge decision-makers and governments to give priority to the safe reopening of schools in order to avoid a generational disaster, « wrote UNICEF boss Henrietta Fore and UNESCO boss Audrey Azoulay.

 » The closure of schools pledges our future for unclear advantages for our present. We have to prioritize better. We can safely reopen schools and we have to, ”they added.


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