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CM – Davao Gov downplays Sara’s statement: « She has a desire to serve the people »

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DAVAO CITY – The support group Ituloy ang Pagbabago Movement (IPM ) by Mayor Sara Z. Duterte has downplayed her statement that she will not run for president in 2022.

In a statement, IPM chairman Davao Occidental Governor Claude Bautista said the deadline for the candidacy certificate is still long and anything can happen.

“I always believe in God’s will! The important thing is that she has a desire to serve the people and everything will follow, « said Bautista.

Bautista says that they believe in the leadership of young Duterte and have the ability to continue what their father started has.

« I will always believe in you and I will always be your avid fan no matter what, now and forever, » he said.

On Thursday September 9th, the Mayoress said in an interview with ABS-CBN that she is not interested in running for national office as her father, President Rodrigo Duterte, is out to run for vice presidency.

« Yes, I am not running for national office as we both agreed that only one of us will run for national office in 2022, « said Mayor Duterte in response to a text request from reporters.

On Wednesday, the PDP-Laban Senator Christopher Lawrence declared » Bong « Go and President Duterte as her bet on the presidential and Vi presidential election for the 2022 national election.

« It (appointment of the chairman of the board) has no bearing on my plans, but since we both agreed, only one of the family will run for a national position, » she said / p> Before she could reveal her plans for the 2022 elections, the Davao City chairman and the HNP renewed alliances with several pro-government parties, but not with the PDP-Laban.

« No, I will this time do not share my light, ”the HNP chairwoman replied to a media inquiry as to whether her father’s party can count on the help of the HNP, as it did in the 2019 Senate election campaign.


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