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CM – Erik Middendorf scores two goals in Michigan’s 3-2 win over Wisconsin

Michigan State Hockey celebrates its third straight win.

Spartans defenseman Nash Nienhuis in their hockey game against the Miami Redhawks. Michigan State won 3-1 in the third period on Friday, October 15, 2021.

Michigan State opened its two-game series against Wisconsin with a 3-2 win, propelled by a strong goalkeeper and two goals from junior striker Erik Middendorf.

Senior goalkeeper Drew DeRidder made many important Saving to secure a Spartan win, stopping 40 of Wisconsin’s 42 shots on goal.

The first leg of the game was a sloppy affair for both teams. Michigan state strikers struggled to overcome Wisconsin’s aggressive forechecking and strong defenders; The Wisconsin strikers faced similar problems.

In a highly competitive era, it was special teams that gave Michigan State the slight advantage.

The Spartans had the after a high sticking penalty against the Badgers first attempt at power play in the game. Middendorf took advantage of the man advantage and tore a one-timer from the face-off circle and secured the 1-0 lead so early.

Wisconsin was 13 minutes after the start of the first period after an interference call from the second striker Kyle Haskins in the power play your turn. The Badgers believed it was much of the man’s advantage in the Spartans offensive zone, but they failed to fire many quality shots.

During the second period, Wisconsin continued to struggle to create quality setups, either after the shot was fired smell or miss a pass.

A call to junior striker Jagger Joshua gave the Badgers the chance to end these offensive opportunities. But here, too, the spartan penalty shoot-out came out big, blocked shots and cleared the lanes in the front area of ​​the net.

Thirteen minutes after the start of the second period, the fifth-year striker, Mitchell Lewandowski, forced a turnover on the blue line and tossed the puck over the slot at Jeremy Davidson, who hit a one-timer to extend MSU’s lead to two.

A couple of Michigan penalties gave Wisconsin a five- in the final two minutes of the second period. against-three and then a five-against-four power play attempt. Although MSU stopped the two-man lead, Wisconsin scored its first goal of the game just seconds after the following power play. Michigan State had abandoned its second power play of the game in the third period after another penalty. The penalty kill stifled Wisconsin’s fourth power play of the game and protected the lead with a goal.

Michigan State had another power play chance just minutes later. Despite some great offensive looks, Wisconsin’s goalkeeper made some stellar saves and kept the game within one.

Wisconsin increased the pressure on the offensive in the second half of the third third, showering DeRidder with shots, but Michigan State managed to Find the end of the net amid the Badgers offensive. Griffin Loughran chased a loose puck at the end of the Wisconsin net, hit his defender up to the puck, and pushed him towards Middendorf, who scored his second goal of the game.

Thanks to a few saves from DeRidder and a handful of blocked shots, the Badgers were able to but did not find the balance and MSU drove away with a 3-2 victory.

The Spartans return to Munn tomorrow evening at 8 p.m. to complete the series sweep. The game is streamed on BTN.

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Michigan State University,Big Ten Conference,Michigan State Spartans football,University of Wisconsin-Madison,Wisconsin Badgers men’s ice hockey,Michigan State University, Big Ten Conference, Michigan State Spartans football, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin Badgers men’s ice hockey,,


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