Home Actualité internationale CM – FedEx Shooter legally bought two rifles after police confiscated his shotgun
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CM – FedEx Shooter legally bought two rifles after police confiscated his shotgun

Brandon Scott Hole’s mother was worried about his state of mind. She said she feared her son would commit « police suicide » and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department confiscated a shotgun from his home. Just months later, Hole was able to legally purchase two semi-automatic rifles that he used to kill eight people Thursday at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis. The 19-year-old opened fire at the facility, killing eight people while wounding at least seven others before killing himself shortly before the police arrived.

UPDATE – During the incident on Thursday, suspect Brandon Hole was found at the Use of assault rifles observed. ATF carried out a trail on the two weapons. IMPD learned that Brandon Hole had legally purchased the rifles in July and September 2020.

The way Hole was able to purchase the two rifles he used in the attack in July and September last year suggests this that he was not subject to the so-called « red flag law » in Indiana. The measure prohibits people who have been classified as dangerous from possessing weapons. Under state law, the police have two weeks after taking someone’s gun to present the case to a judge and argue that the person should be prevented from owning guns. Although police never returned Hole’s shotgun, it’s unclear whether a judge’s hearing ever took place, Chief Randal Taylor told the New York Times. « I don’t know how we held onto it, » Taylor said of the shotgun authorities seized from Hole. “But it’s good we did.”

The revelation came shortly after the FBI said agents interviewed Hole last year after his mother raised concerns about his mental health. But agents found no evidence of a crime and did not identify Hole as following an extremist ideology, said Paul Keenan, special agent for the FBI’s Indianapolis branch.

The gunman’s family released a statement of apology on Saturday, stressing that they were trying had to get help for the 19-year-old who was a former FedEx employee. « We are devastated by the loss of life caused by Brandon’s actions. Through the love of his family, we tried to get him the help he needed, » the statement read. « Our most sincere and warmest Sorry to the victims of this pointless tragedy. « 

The police have not yet revealed a motive for the shooting and whether hatred or prejudice played a role, considering that four of the deadly victims were members of the Sikh community The shooting came at a time when the Asian-American community was being hit by increased attacks during the coronavirus pandemic, including last month’s shooting in the Atlanta area that killed six people of Asian origin. « That kind of violent Attacks pose a threat to all of us, « said community member Maninder Singh Walia in a Sikh coalition published statement. « Our church has come a long way of healing – physically, spiritually and spiritually – to recover from this tragedy. »

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