Home Actualité internationale CM – Find out who Palace has chosen to be the new head of MinDA
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CM – Find out who Palace has chosen to be the new head of MinDA

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Malacañang has the appointment of the former councilor of Davao, Maria Belen Sunga Acosta, confirmed as the new Chair of the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA).

A statement by Cabinet Secretary and Acting President Spokesman Karlo Nograles on Wednesday January 12th revealed that President Duterte signed Acosta’s appointment on January 6th. Acosta’s tenure as head of MinDA will last six years. « We wish Chairwoman Acosta all the best in her new role and are confident that she will continue her predecessors’ initiatives to accelerate the socio-economic growth of Mindanao, » said Nograles. Formerly known as the Mindanao Economic Development Council or MEDCo, MinDA serves as a premier agency coordinating and integrating development efforts that accelerate the socio-economic development of Mindanao.


Rodrigo Duterte,Davao City,Philippines,Mindanao Development Authority,Rodrigo Duterte, Davao City, Philippines, Mindanao Development Authority,,Featured,,,,


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