Home Actualité internationale CM – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says he will apologize to anyone who violated the mask and social distancing ordinances
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CM – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says he will apologize to anyone who violated the mask and social distancing ordinances

The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, positioned himself so firmly against pandemic security measures from the start and even described his state as an « oasis of freedom », even though the virus spread and Florida recorded more than two million Covid-19 cases and 35,000 deaths. The Florida Republican, who is now clearly out for a presidential election, told Fox News Thursday evening that he is now going a step further and will apologize to anyone in his state who enters the country for disregarding local coronavirus restrictions such as masking or social distancing Knee was forced. In an interview with Laura Ingraham of Fox News, DeSantis described such local legal efforts to tackle the pandemic as a « total overrun » by the government.

On Thursday, DeSantis issued an executive order stating a « categorical, nationwide 60-day reparation. » was granted to any person or company that has been or may be prosecuted for non-compliance with pandemic restrictions « and that it would pardon those who have been prosecuted. DeSantis appeared in a perfectly choreographed Fox News segment shortly after recalcitrant local gym owners Mike and Jillian Carnevale, a couple arrested three times in two weeks last summer for violating demands at their gym violated the county mask. « I think they were treated badly, » DeSantis said after the Carnevales performance. « Fortunately, they have a governor to take care of it. » « When our grace committee meets in the coming weeks, we will be issuing pardons – not just for Mike and Jillian, but for any Floridian who may have outstanding violations of things like masks and social distancing, » said DeSantis.

Floridians should not be punished for rejecting the overreach of local authorities through unnecessary mask mandates. pic.twitter.com/vf0HHfg3lY

Last September, DeSantis effectively neutralized enforcement of the Coronavirus Regulation by suspending local authorities the ability to impose fines and penalties for violating local regulations. DeSantis has also issued executive orders that allow it to override local emergency directives, including mask mandates and school closings. Last week, the Florida governor signed law lifting all coronavirus restrictions in the state from July 1st.

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Ron DeSantis,Donald Trump,Florida,Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Florida,,coronavirus, florida,


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