Home Actualité internationale CM – GOP legislators released Christmas photo of family holding guns days after the school shooting
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CM – GOP legislators released Christmas photo of family holding guns days after the school shooting

Many were quick to criticize Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie for the photo, which shows many military-style weapons.

MP Thomas Massie sparked outrage over the weekend when he posted a Christmas photo on Twitter showing him and six family members, each carrying a military-style weapon around the house. « Merry Christmas, » the Kentucky Republican wrote about a photo of seven people with guns in front of a Christmas tree. « Santa, please bring ammunition. » The weapons they hold in their hands resembled an M60 machine gun, a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle and a Thompson submachine gun, according to Reuters.

Massie posted the photo just days after the deadliest US school shootout in this one Year that killed four teenagers. The alleged shooter, 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley, was charged with murder and terrorism, while his parents were also arrested for their role in the murders and charged with negligent homicide.

Many criticized Massie, a staunch gun advocate, representing a solid republican district, including other lawmakers. Rep. John Yarmuth, a Democrat also from Kentucky, wrote, « I promise, not everyone in Kentucky is an insensitive asshole. » He noted that Republicans used to call it « insensitive » after a tragedy over To speak gun violence. « Now they are openly rubbing the murder of children in our faces as if they had a touchdown, » wrote Yarmuth.

I am old enough to remember Republicans yelling that it was insensitive to follow people to protect against armed violence in a tragedy. Now they are openly rubbing the murder of children on our faces like they’ve scored a touchdown. Shameful.

The father of a victim of the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, also sharply criticized Massie for the photo. « That’s a big part of the problem, » Manuel Oliver said on CNN. « I don’t know if you’re trying to be ironic, funny or whatever, but it’s the worst taste ever. » Oliver, who went to CNN on Saturday to speak about his desire to meet with President Joe Biden, said the photo « was meant to teach us who to vote and not ». Fred Guttenberg replied to Massie’s tweet with a photo of his daughter who was killed in the Parkland shooting. « The Michigan school shooter and his family used to take photos like yours, too, » he wrote. Many others also beat up Massie on social media for his decision to post the photo so soon after a school shooting.

Here’s @ manueloliver00 – father of the Parkland victim – the one on GOP Rep. Massie’s tweet in which his family is holding a pile of guns immediately after another mass shooting in America: « The worst taste ever … a very nasty contribution. » pic.twitter.com/8XQKFMjWzx

. @ RepThomasMassie, as we share family photos, here are mine. One is the last picture I ever took of Jaime, the other is where she is buried at Parkland School because of the shooting. The Michigan school shooter and his family used to take photos like yours too. pic.twitter.com/MsQWneJXAp

Massie are hardly alien to controversy. The day after the January 6th Capitol Riot, Massie tweeted that he and others in Congress were « glad to be armed while they were barricaded in our offices with our staff for hours. » And last month, he retweeted a video of Kyle Rittenhouse’s guilty verdict with the caption, « There is hope for this land. »

The glorification of guns and the association with Christmas after another school shootout by a member of the US Congress.America in 2021 … https://t.co/o8lx61466U

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e.eid: e.ccpaOptout? « : null}, getUidExt: function (e) {var t = r.pick (e, [ » ibaOptout « , » ccpaOptout « ]); if (Object.keys (t) .length) return t} }, idl_env: {source: « liveramp.com », atype: 3}, lipb: {getValu e: function (e) {return e.lipbid}, source: « liveintent.com », atype: 3, getEidExt: function (e) {if (Array.isArray (e.segments) &&e .segments.length) return { segments: e.segments}}}, britepoolid: {source: « britepool.com », atype: 3}, dmdId: {source: « hcn.health », atype: 3}, lotamePanoramaId: {source: « crwdcntrl.net « , atype: 1}, criteoId: {source: » criteo.com « , atype: 1}, merkleId: {source: » merkleinc.com « , atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return e.id} , getUidExt: function (e) {return e&&e.keyID? {keyID: e.keyID}: void 0}}, netId: {source: « netid.de », atype: 1}, IDP: {source: « zeotap. com « , atype: 1}, haloId: {source: » audigent.com « , atype: 1}, quantcastId: {source: » quantcast.com « , atype: 1}, nextrollId: {source: » nextroll.com  » , atype: 1}, idx: {source: « idx.lat », atype: 1}, connectid: {source: « verizonmedia.com », atype: 3}, fabrickId: {source: « neustar.biz », atype : 1}, mwOpenLinkId: {source: « mediawallahscript. com « , atype: 1}, tapadId: {source: » tapad.com « , atype: 1}, novatiq: {getValue: function (e) {return e.snowflake}, source: » novatiq.com « , atype: 1}, uid2: {source: « uidapi.com », atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return e.id}}, deepintentId: {source: « deepintent.com », atype: 3}, admixerId: {source: « admixer.net », atype: 3}, amxId: {source: « amxrtb.com », atype: 1}}; function o (e, t) {var n = i [t]; if (n&&e ) {var o = {}; o.source = n.source; var a = r.isFn (n.getValue)? 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arguments [1]: void 0, r = n? «  ». concat (e.name, « _ »). concat (n): e.name; try {if (e.type === E) t = x.getCookie (r); else if (e.type === T) {var i = x.getDataFromLocalStorage ( » « .concat (e.name, » _ exp « )); » « === i? t = x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r): i&&new Date (i) .getTime () – Date.now ()> 0&& (t = decodeURIComponent (x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r)))} « string » == typeof t&& « { » === t.trim (). charAt (0) && (t = JSON.parse (t))} catch (e) {c.logError (e)} return t} function N (e) {var t = {consentString: «  », gdprApplies:! 1, apiVersion: 0}; retu rn eCS SEANDCHAR& (t.consentString = e.consentString, t.gdprApplies = e.gdprApplies, t.apiVersion = e.apiVersion), c.cyrb53Hash (JSON.stringify (t))} function M (e) {try {var t = new Date (Date.now () 864e5 * C) .toUTCString (); x.setCookie (O, N (e), t, « Lax »)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} Function q () {try {return x.getCookie (O)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} function F (e) {if (e&& « boolean » == typeof e.gdprApplies&&e.gdprApplies) { if (! e.consentString) return! 1; if (1 === e.apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purposeConsents.1 »)) return! 1; if (2 === e. apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purpose.consents.1 »)) return! 1} return! 0} Function L () {var e = arguments.length> 0&&void 0! == arguments [ 0]? Arguments [0]: window.location.hostname; if (! X.cookiesAreEnabled ()) return e; var t, n, r = e.split (« . »); If (2 == r.length ) return e; var i = -2, o = « _ rdc » .concat (Date.now ()), a = « writeable »; do {t = r.slice (i) .join (« . »); var s = new date (c.timestamp () 1e4) .toUTCString (); x .setCookie (o, a, s, « Lax », t, void 0), x.getCookie (o, void 0) === a ? (n =! 1, x.setCookie (o, «  », « Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT », void 0, t, void 0)) 🙁 i = -1, n = Math. abs (i) 0) {t =! 0; var r =! 1, i = function () {r || (r =! 0, e ())}; c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – auction delayed by ») .concat (A, « to get at most IDs »)), _ = setTimeout (i, A), z (n, i)} else saon (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, function e () {saoff (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, e), S> 0? setTimeout (function () {z (n)}, S): z (n)})} e&&! t&&e ()} Function G (e, t) {V ( function () {(function (e, t) {[e] .some (function (e) {return! Array.i sArray (e) ||! e.length}) || e.forEach (function (e) {e.bids&&c.isArray (e.bids) &&e.bids .forEach (function (e) {var n = function (e , t) {return Array.isArray (e) &&e.length&&t? e.filter (function (e) {return! e.config.bidders ||! c. isArray (e.config.bidders) || y () (e.config.bidders, t)}). filter (function (e) {return c.isPlainObject (e.idObj) &&Object.keys (e.idObj). Length}). Reduce (function (e, t) {return Object.keys (t.idObj) .forEach (function (n) {e [n] = t.idObj [n]}), e}, {}): {}} (t, e.bidder); Object.keys (n) .length&& (e.userId = n, e.userIdAsEids = Object (gb) (n))})})}) (t.adUnits || Object (ua ) (). adUnits, h), e.call (this, t)})} function K () {return V (), W (h)} function H () {return V (), Object (gb) ( W (h))} Function J (e, t) {var n = e? E.submoduleNames: null; n || (n = []), V (function () {var e = d.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData ( ), r = Q (k, e), i = r.userIdModules; if (r.hasValidated || F (e)) {var o = q (); M (e); var a, s = [], u = function (e, t) {var n = « undefined »! = typeof Symbol&&e [Symbol.iterator] || e [« @@ iterator »]; if (! n) {if (Array.isArray (e) | | (n = function (e, t) {if (e) {if (« string » == typeof e) return v (e, t); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call (e) .slice ( 8, -1); return « Object » === n&&e.constructor&& (n = e.constructor.name), « Map » === n || « Set » === n? Array.from (e): « Arguments » === n || / ^ (?: Ui | I) nt (?: 8 | 16 | 32) (?: Clamped)? Array $ /. Test (n)? V (e, t): void 0}} (e)) || t&C SSEAND CHARe&& « number » == typeof e.length) {n&& (e = n); var r = 0, i = function () {}; return {s: i, n: function () {return r> = e . length? {done:! 0}: {done:! 1, value: e [r]}}, e: function (e) {throw e}, f: i}} throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt, non. to iterate -iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a method [Symbol.iterator] (). « )} var o, a =! 0, s =! 1; return {s: function () {n = n.call (e)}, n: function () {var e = n.next (); return a = e.done, e}, e: function (e) {s =! 0, o = e}, f: function () {try {a || null == n.return || n.return ()} finally {if (s) throw o}}}} (i); try {for ( us ();! (a = un ()). done;) {var l = a.value; n.length> 0&&-1 === n.indexOf (l.submodule.name) || (c.logInfo («  » .concat (I, « – Update ») .concat (l.submodule.name)), Y (l, e, o,! 0), c.isFn (l.callback) &&s.push (l) )}} catch (e) {ue (e)} finally {uf ()} s.length> 0&&z (s), t&&t ()} else c.logWarn («  ». concat (I, « – not gdpr authorization) valid for local storage or cookies, exit module « ))})} var Q = Object (pb) ( » sync « , function (e, t) {return {userIdModules: e, hasValidated: t&&t.hasValid ated}}, « validateGdprEnforcement »); Function Y (e, t, n, r) {if (e.config.storage) {var i, o = B (e.config.storage), a =! 1; if (« Number » == type of e.config.storage.refreshInSeconds) {var s = new date (B (e.config.storage, « last »)); a = s&&Date.now () – s.getTime () > 1e3 * e.config.storage.refreshInSeconds}! O || a || r ||! function (e, t) {return null! = n&&n === N (t)} (0, t)? i = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, o): « function » == typeof e.submodule.extendId&& (i = e.submodule.extendId (e.config, t, o)), c.isPlainObject (i) && (i.id&& (U (e, i.id), o = i.id), « function » == typeof i.callback&& (e.callback = i.callback)), o&& (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (o, e.config))} else if (e. config.value) e.idObj = e.config.value; else {var u = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, void 0); c.isPlainObject (u) && (« function » == typeof u .Call back&& (e.callback = u.callback), u.id&& (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (u.id, e.config)))}} function X () {var e = function (e , t, n) {return Array.isArray (e)? e.reduce (function (e, t) {return! t || c.isEmptyStr (t.name) || (! t.storage || c.isEmptyStr (t .storage.type) || c.isEmptyStr (t.storage.name) || -1 === n.indexOf (t.storage.type)? c.isPlainObject (t.value)? e.push ( t): t.storage || t.value || e.push ( t): e.push (t)), e}, []): []} (P, 0, j); if (e.length) {var t = R.filter (function (e) {return! i () (k, function (t) {return t.name === e.name})}); k = t.map (function (t) {var n = i () (e, function (e) {return e.name&& (e.name.toLowerCase () === t.name.toLowerCase () || t.aliasName&&e.name.toLowerCase () = == t.aliasName.toLowerCase ())}); return n&t .&t .name! == n.name&& (n.name = t.name), t.findRootDomain = L, n? {submodule: t, config: n, callback: void 0, idObj: void 0}: null}). filter (function (e) {return null! == e}),! D&&k.length&& (Object (u. a) (). requestBids.before (G, 40), c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – usersync configuration updated for ») .concat (k.length, « sub-modules: »), k.map (function (e) {return e.submodule.name})), D =! 0)}} function $ (e) {i () (R, function (t) {return t.name === e.name }) || (R.push (e), X ())} Function Z (e) {k = [], P = [], D =! 1, h = void 0, -1! == (j = [x.localStorageIsEnabled ()? T: null, x.cookiesAreEnabled ()? E: null] .filter (function (e) {return null! == e})). indexOf (E) &&x.getCookie (w) ? c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – opt-out cookie found, exit module »)): – 1! == j.indexOf (T) &&x.getDataFromLocalStorage (w)? c.logInfo ( » « . concat (I, » – Opt-out localStorage found, exit module « )) 🙁 e.getConfig (function (e) {var t = e.userSync; t&&t.userIds&& (P = t.userIds, S = c.isNumber (t.syncDelay)? t.syncDelay: 500, A = c.isNumber (t.auctionDelay)? t.auctionDelay: 0, X ())}), Object (ua) (). getUserIds = K, Object (ua) (). GetUserIdsAsEids = H, Object (ua) (). RefreshUserIds = J)} Z (ob), Object (pc) (« userId », $)}}, [716]), pbjs.processQueue ();
}, {}];
window.modules [« visibility.legacy »] = [function (require, module, exports) {« use strict »; DS.service (« $ visibility », [« $ document », « $ window », « _ throttle », « Eventify », function (e, t, n, i) {var o, r, h = []; function s (e, t) {return et? E: t} function d (e, t, n) { ! e.preload&&e.preloadThreshhold&&function (e, t, n, i) {return t.top = e.shownThreshold&&! e.seen? (e.seen =! 0, setTimeout (function () {e.trigger shown , new r (« shown », t))}, 15)) :(! n || i1&& (h = e (r, Math.floor (n / o), i-1, o)), h}, this.getVerticallyVisiblePixels = f, this.getViewportHeight = function () {return t.innerHeight || e.documentElement.clientHeight || e.body.clientHeight}, this.getViewportWidth = function () {return t.innerWidth || e. documentElement.clientWidth || e.body.clientWidth}, this.isElementNotHidden = u, this.isElementInViewport = function (n) {var i = n.getBoundingClientRect (); return i.top> = 0&&i.left> = 0CSSEottom .CHARCSS. = o.length) return {done: true}; return {done: false, value: o [i]}; }, e: function e (_e) {Throw _e; }, f: F}; } throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt to iterate a non-iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator] () method. »); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return {s: function s () {it = o [symbol.iterator] (); }, n: function n () {var step = it.next (); normalCompletion = step.done; Return step; }, e: function e (_e2) {didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f () {try {if (! normalCompletion && it.return! = null) it.return (); } finally {if (didErr) throw err; }}}; }

Function _unsupportedIterableToArray (o, minLen) {if (! O) return; if (typeof o === « string ») return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call (o) .slice (8, -1); if (n === « Object » && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === « Map » || n === « Set ») return Array.from (o); if (n === « Arguments » || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); }

function _arrayLikeToArray (arr, len) {if (len == null || len> arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array (len); i


Thomas Massie,Republican Party,Christmas Day,School shooting,Member of Congress,Thomas Massie, Republican Party, Christmas Day, School shooting, Member of Congress,,Michigan,US school shootings,Kentucky,US news,World news,US politics,Republicans,,,


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