Home Actualité internationale CM – Horizon Forbidden West will still be released for PS5 in 2021
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CM – Horizon Forbidden West will still be released for PS5 in 2021

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Horizon Forbidden West was recently written by Sony Interactive Entertainment for a release on PlayStation 5 in the second half of 2021. Given that the global pandemic has already resulted in numerous delays, there have been some concerns that Guerrilla Games developers may consider pushing anywhere into 2022. These concerns seem unfounded.

Angie Smets, studio director from Guerrilla Games, recently confirmed in an interview with Wired that Horizon Forbidden West will be released later this year on PlayStation 4 and 5.

The PS5 version is of course the best equipped for an experience of the next Generation. Smets backed this up by revealing how DualSense’s new haptic feedback introduces a new level of realism in Horizon Forbidden West. « When you secretly tackle a combat situation and want to dive into long grass, you can feel those long grass blades, » said Smets.

Also, teased Hermen Hulst, former executive director and co-founder of Guerrilla Games and current head of Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios that he was recently able to spend time around seven or eight months later on a preview build of the upcoming sequel and that’s enough Let’s say the current build of Horizon Forbidden West looks stunning on PS5. “To step back and come back to it? Talk about giving me a gift. “

Horizon Forbidden West was announced almost a year ago, but it was only a few months ago that Guerrilla Games began focusing all resources on finishing the game. The developer previously allocated part of its resources for stabilizing Horizon Zero Dawn on the PC. That quest has since been completed.

Horizon Forbidden West brings protagonist Aloy back to explore a new frontier of a post-apocalyptic America as she and her comrades travel further down to the Pacific coast. That won’t be the end of their story, however.

According to reports, Sony has lit guerrilla games green to create a full trilogy, meaning there will be another new Horizon game at some point. maybe on PlayStation 6.

has stopped regime change, slowed down demonic invasions and averted at least one cosmic omnicide; everything from the confines of his gaming chair.


Guerrilla Games,PlayStation 4,Sony PlayStation,Horizon Zero Dawn,Sony Interactive Entertainment,2021,Guerrilla Games, PlayStation 4, Sony PlayStation, Horizon Zero Dawn, Sony Interactive Entertainment, 2021,,DualSense,Guerrilla Games,Horizon Forbidden West,Sony Interactive Entertainment,,,,,

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