Home Actualité internationale CM – Ireland questions Facebook’s privacy policy
Actualité internationale

CM – Ireland questions Facebook’s privacy policy

It's believed that the partnership with Irish data protection authority iBill Stories, Facebook's smart glass and eyewear maker Essilorlaxotica, is really effective in getting people ...

The partnership with the Irish data protection authority iBill Stories, Facebook’s smart glass and eyewear maker Essilorlaxotica, aims to be very effective in informing people that the device is being taken away.

The Data Protection Commission of Ireland (DPC) has raised the suspicion that the device’s LED lamp is of sufficient size and lighting to notify the surrounding area that it is recording or taking pictures. The organization that regulates Facebook in the European Union shares the same concerns as another data monitoring organization called Garante in Italy.

“There is a very small indicator in the glasses that lights up while recording. It has not been proven that DPC and Garant conducted tests on Facebook or Ray-Ban Field to ensure the LED moon was enough to warn of the capture, ”the agency warned in a statement.

The question comes from the fact that Facebook does not report any tests or ratings for the mechanism or does not respond to questions from Garante on the 10th of this month. The Italian regulator has issued a statement calling for the social network Smart Glass to regulate with European data protection law.

Ireland’s concern is that Facebook’s smart glass violates the privacy of the user’s environment. With Smart Glass, which allows you to take photos, videos and listen to music, you can post directly on the social network via an exclusive app.

« While it is acceptable that many systems, including smartphones, can record third parties, in these cases the camera or phone will be displayed while the recording is in progress and people will be notified that it is being recorded. »

Institutions warn that this declaration is an information campaign to raise awareness of the social network. Facebook has even officially commented on this.

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Smartglasses,Ray-Ban,Information privacy,Smartglasses, Ray-Ban, Information privacy,,,,,,Facebook,Ireland,Latest,smart glasses,,

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