Home Actualité internationale CM – Jayapal on Manchin’s Proposed $ 1.5 Trillion Economic Law Price Tag: « Won’t Happen »
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CM – Jayapal on Manchin’s Proposed $ 1.5 Trillion Economic Law Price Tag: « Won’t Happen »

The Chairman of the House Progressive Caucus admitted that the final figure would likely be below the current $ 3.5 trillion.

MP Pramila Jayapal said she was open to the idea of ​​lowering the price of the climate change and social policy spending package from the current $ 3.5 trillion. But she made it clear that she wouldn’t accept anything under $ 1.5 trillion, which Senator Joe Manchin has called his cap. Jayapal, the chair of the House Progressive Caucus, said the $ 1.5 trillion price was « too low, » but refused to say whether she would accept anything closer to $ 2.1 trillion. </ P "That won't happen," Jayapal said on CNN when asked about the $ 1.5 trillion figure. “It's too small to set our priorities. It's going to be somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5, and I think the White House is working on it right now, because remember, what we want to offer is childcare, paid vacation, and climate change. Housing. ”However, Jayapal refused to go into too much detail on that figure, saying that the spending plan was“ never about price, ”but rather“ about what we want to deliver. ”Washington lawmakers said the Trying to take the focus off the price tag, in fact, was what President Joe Biden recommended. "He said, 'Don't start with the number. Start with what you are there for,'" said Jayapal.

« There’s still no number on the table that … everyone has agreed, » Democratic MP Pramila Jayapal told @DanaBashCNN when asked about the ongoing negotiations on the larger spending package, plus $ 1.5 trillion US dollars are « too small to set our priorities ». #CNNSOTU pic.twitter.com/KV2EZ3Ig49

Senator Bernie Sanders also sent the message on Sunday that he had the idea of ​​lowering the price of the bill, Although I didn’t like it, it now seems inevitable b Trillions should be a minimum, but I accept that there has to be a give and take, ”Sanders told ABCs This Week. « What the president is saying is that we are trying to get the working families in this country, for the children, for the elderly, through the most momentous law since the Great Depression, and it’s right, you know? »

Senator Bernie Sanders tells @jonkarl that the price of the $ 3.5 trillion budget resolution will likely be lowered. « The $ 3.5 trillion should be a minimum, but I accept that there has to be a give and take. « https://t.co/5MGcXtm7a4 pic.twitter.com/efP8oRyu7m

As the moderates of the House of Representatives are expressing their anger at the democratic leadership for delaying a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure law so that the two measures go together passed, the White House is trying to enable clear negotiations so that negotiations can continue. White House Senior Advisor Cedric Richmond said Sunday that it k give a fixed timetable for the adoption of the bills. “We don’t have a time frame for that. This is just about delivering both bills to the American people and making sure they meet their needs, ”Richmond told Fox News on Sunday. « We don’t use an artificial timeline and don’t take care of the process. »

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ToString (): e.toString ()} else r.logWarn (« Rubicon: Filtered FPD key: », t, « : Expected value is String, Integer, or an array of Strings / Ints »)}, p = function (e, t , r) {var i =! (arguments.length> 3&&void 0! == arguments [3]) || arguments [3], o = l (e, r, t), a = d [r] &&i?  » « .concat (d [r]): » data « === r? » « . concat (d [t], » iab « ): » « . concat (d [t]). concat (r); n [a] = n [a]? n [a] .concat (« , », o): o}; Object.keys (c) .forEach (function (e) {« adserver » === e? 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« video »: « banner », size: « * »}); « object »! == c (n) || « USD »! == n.currency || isNaN (parseFloat (n.floor)) || (t = parseFloat (n.floor))} return null! == t? t: e.params.floor} function h (e, t) { o.isEmpty (t) || Object.keys (t) .forEach (function (n) {null! = t [n] && (e [n] = t [n])})} function _ (e, t , n, r) {return e.map (function (e) {return function (t) {return t&&t.userId&&t.userId [e]}} (t)). filter (function (e) {return !! e} ) .map (function (e, t) {return function (n) {return {source: e, uids: [{id: n, ext: {rtiPartner: t}}]}}} (n, r))} Function S (e) {return e.filter (A) .map (function (e) {return {w: e [0], h: e [1]}})} function A (e) {return 2 == = e.length&& « number » == typeof e [0] && « number » == typeof e [1]} Object (i.registerBidder) (b)}}, [696]), pbjsChunk ([7], { 21: Function (e, t, n) {tb = Function (e) {var t = []; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty (n)) if (« pubProvidedId » === n) t = t.concat (e.pubProvidedId); else {var r = o (e [n], n); r&CSSEAN DCHARt.push (r)} return t}, ta = function (e) {var t = []; return e.filter (function (e) {return r.isPlainObject (e.idObj) &&Object.keys (e.idObj ) .length}). forEach (function (e) {Object.keys (e.idObj) .forEach (function (n) {r.deepAccess (e, « config.bidders ») &&Array.isArray (e.config.bidders ) &&r.deepAccess (i, n « .source ») &&t.push ({source: i [n] .source, bidders: e.config.bidders})})}), t}; var r = n (0 ), i = {intentIqId: {source: « intentiq.com », atype: 1}, pubcid: {source: « pubcid.org », atype: 1}, tdid: {source: « adserver.org », atype: 1, getUidExt: function () {return {rtiPartner: « TDID »}}}, id5id: {getValue: function (e) {return e.uid}, source: « id5 -sync.com », atype: 1, getUidExt : function (e) {if (e.ext) return e.ext}}, parrableId: {source: « parrable.com », atype: 1, getValue: function (e) {return e.eid? e.eid: e.ccpaOptout? « : null}, getUidExt: function (e) {var t = r.pick (e, [ » ibaOptout « , » ccpaOptout « ]); if (Object.keys (t) .length) return t} }, idl_env: {source: « liveramp.com », atype: 3}, lipb: {getValu e: function (e) {return e.lipbid}, source: « liveintent.com », atype: 3, getEidExt: function (e) {if (Array.isArray (e.segments) &&e .segments.length) return { segments: e.segments}}}, britepoolid: {source: « britepool.com », atype: 3}, dmdId: {source: « hcn.health », atype: 3}, lotamePanoramaId: {source: « crwdcntrl.net « , atype: 1}, criteoId: {source: » criteo.com « , atype: 1}, merkleId: {source: » merkleinc.com « , atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return e.id} , getUidExt: function (e) {return e&&e.keyID? {keyID: e.keyID}: void 0}}, netId: {source: « netid.de », atype: 1}, IDP: {source: « zeotap. com « , atype: 1}, haloId: {source: » audigent.com « , atype: 1}, quantcastId: {source: » quantcast.com « , atype: 1}, nextrollId: {source: » nextroll.com  » , atype: 1}, idx: {source: « idx.lat », atype: 1}, connectid: {source: « verizonmedia.com », atype: 3}, fabrickId: {source: « neustar.biz », atype : 1}, mwOpenLinkId: {source: « mediawallahscript. com « , atype: 1}, tapadId: {source: » tapad.com « , atype: 1}, novatiq: {getValue: function (e) {return e.snowflake}, source: » novatiq.com « , atype: 1}, uid2: {source: « uidapi.com », atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return e.id}}, deepintentId: {source: « deepintent.com », atype: 3}, admixerId: {source: « admixer.net », atype: 3}, amxId: {source: « amxrtb.com », atype: 1}}; function o (e, t) {var n = i [t]; if (n&&e ) {var o = {}; o.source = n.source; var a = r.isFn (n.getValue)? n.getValue (e): e; if (r.isStr (a)) {var s = {id: a, atype: n.atype}; if (r.isFn (n.getUidExt)) {var c = n.getUidExt (e); c&& (s.ext = c)} if (o.uids = [ s], r.isFn (n.getEidExt)) {var u = n.getEidExt (e); u&& (o.ext = u)} return o}} return null}}, 716: function (e, t, n ) {e.exports = n (717)}, 717: function (e, t, n) {Object.defineProperty (t, « __ esModule », {value:! 0}), nd (t, « PBJS_USER_ID_OPTOUT_NAME », function () {return w}), nd (t, « coreStorage », function () {return x}), nd (t, « syncDelay », function () {return S}), nd (t, « auctionDelay », function () {return A}), t.setSubmoduleRegistry = Funk tion (e) {R = e}, t.setStoredValue = U, t.setStoredConsentData = M, t.findRootDomain = L, t.requestBidsHook = G, nd (t, « validateGdprEnforcement », function () {return Q}) , t.attachIdSystem = $, t.init = Z; var r = n (11), i = nn (r), o = n (3), a = n (9), s = nn (a), c = n (0), u = n (16), d = n (7), l = n (5), f = nn (l), p = n (10), g = n (21), m = n (8), b = n (12), y = nn (b); function v (e, t) {(zero == t || t> e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array (t); n1&&void 0! == arguments [1]? arguments [1]: void 0, r = n? «  ». concat (e.name, « _ »). concat (n): e.name; try {if (e.type === E) t = x.getCookie (r); else if (e.type === T) {var i = x.getDataFromLocalStorage ( » « .concat (e.name, » _ exp « )); » « === i? t = x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r): i&&new Date (i) .getTime () – Date.now ()> 0&& (t = decodeURIComponent (x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r)))} « string » == typeof t&& « { » === t.trim (). charAt (0) && (t = JSON.parse (t))} catch (e) {c.logError (e)} return t} function N (e) {var t = {consentString: «  », gdprApplies:! 1, apiVersion: 0}; retu rn eCS SEANDCHAR& (t.consentString = e.consentString, t.gdprApplies = e.gdprApplies, t.apiVersion = e.apiVersion), c.cyrb53Hash (JSON.stringify (t))} function M (e) {try {var t = new Date (Date.now () 864e5 * C) .toUTCString (); x.setCookie (O, N (e), t, « Lax »)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} function q () {try {return x.getCookie (O)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} function F (e) {if (e&& « boolean » == typeof e.gdprApplies&&e.gdprApplies) { if (! e.consentString) return! 1; if (1 === e.apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purposeConsents.1 »)) return! 1; if (2 === e. apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purpose.consents.1 »)) return! 1} return! 0} function L () {var e = arguments.length> 0&&void 0! == arguments [ 0]? Arguments [0]: window.location.hostname; if (! X.cookiesAreEnabled ()) return e; var t, n, r = e.split (« . »); If (2 == r.length ) return e; var i = -2, o = « _ rdc » .concat (Date.now ()), a = « writeable »; do {t = r.slice (i) .join (« . »); var s = new date (c.timestamp () 1e4) .toUTCString (); x .setCookie (o, a, s, « Lax », t, void 0), x.getCookie (o, void 0) === a ? (n =! 1, x.setCookie (o, «  », « Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT », void 0, t, void 0)) 🙁 i = -1, n = Math. abs (i) 0) {t =! 0; var r =! 1, i = function () {r || (r =! 0, e ())}; c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – auction delayed by ») .concat (A, « to get at most IDs »)), _ = setTimeout (i, A), z (n, i)} else saon (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, function e () {saoff (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, e), S> 0? setTimeout (function () {z (n)}, S): z (n)})} e&&! t&&e ()} Function G (e, t) {V ( function () {(function (e, t) {[e] .some (function (e) {return! Array.i sArray (e) ||! e.length}) || e.forEach (function (e) {e.bids&&c.isArray (e.bids) &&e.bids .forEach (function (e) {var n = function (e , t) {return Array.isArray (e) &&e.length&&t? e.filter (function (e) {return! e.config.bidders ||! c. isArray (e.config.bidders) || y () (e.config.bidders, t)}). filter (function (e) {return c.isPlainObject (e.idObj) &&Object.keys (e.idObj). Length}). Reduce (function (e, t) {return Object.keys (t.idObj) .forEach (function (n) {e [n] = t.idObj [n]}), e}, {}): {}} (t, e.bidder); Object.keys (n) .length&& (e.userId = n, e.userIdAsEids = Object (gb) (n))})})}) (t.adUnits || Object (ua ) (). adUnits, h), e.call (this, t)})} function K () {return V (), W (h)} function H () {return V (), Object (gb) ( W (h))} Function J (e, t) {var n = e? E.submoduleNames: null; n || (n = []), V (function () {var e = d.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData ( ), r = Q (k, e), i = r.userIdModules; if (r.hasValidated || F (e)) {var o = q (); M (e); var a, s = [], u = function (e, t) {var n = « undefined »! = typeof Symbol&&e [Symbol.iterator] || e [« @@ iterator »]; if (! n) {if (Array.isArray (e) | | (n = function (e, t) {if (e) {if (« string » == typeof e) return v (e, t); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call (e) .slice ( 8, -1); return « Object » === n&&e.constructor&& (n = e.constructor.name), « Map » === n || « Set » === n? Array.from (e): « Arguments » === n || / ^ (?: Ui | I) nt (?: 8 | 16 | 32) (?: Clamped)? Array $ /. Test (n)? V (e, t): void 0}} (e)) || t&C SSEAND CHARe&& « number » == typeof e.length) {n&& (e = n); var r = 0, i = function () {}; return {s: i, n: function () {return r> = e . length? {done:! 0}: {done:! 1, value: e [r]}}, e: function (e) {throw e}, f: i}} throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt, non – iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator] () method. « )} var o, a =! 0, s =! 1; return {s: function () {n = n.call (e)}, n: function () {var e = n.next (); return a = e.done, e}, e: function (e) {s =! 0, o = e}, f: function () {try {a || null == n.return || n.return ()} finally {if (s) throw o}}}} (i); try {for (us ( );! (a = un ()). done;) {var l = a.value; n.length> 0&&-1 === n.indexOf (l.submodul.name) || (c.logInfo ( » « .concat (I, » – Update « ) .concat (l.submodule.name)), Y (l, e, o,! 0), c.isFn (l.callback) &&s.push (l))} } catch (e) {ue (e)} finally {uf ()} s.length> 0&&z (s), t&&t ()} else c.logWarn («  ». concat (I, « – gdpr authorization not valid for local storage or cookies, exit module « ))})} var Q = Object (pb) ( » sync « , function (e, t) {return {userIdModules: e, hasValidated: t&&t.hasValidated}}, » validate GdprEnforcement « ); Function Y (e, t, n, r) {if (e.config.storage) {var i, o = B (e.config.storage), a =! 1; if ( » number « = = typeof e.config.storage.refreshInSeconds) {var s = new date (B (e.config.storage, « last »)); a = s&&Date.now () – s.getTime ()> 1e3 * e.config .storage.refreshInSeconds}! o || a || r ||! function (e, t) {return null! = n&&n === N (t)} (0, t)? i = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, o): « function » == typeof e.submodule.extendId&& (i = e.submodule.extendId (e.config, t, o)), c.isPlainObject (i) && (i.id&& (U (e, i.id), o = i.id), « function » == typeof i.callback&& (e.callback = i.callback)), o&& (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (o, e.config))} else if (e. config.value) e.idObj = e.config.value; else {var u = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, void 0); c.isPlainObject (u) && (« function » == typeof u .Call back&& (e.callback = u.callback), u.id&& (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (u.id, e.config)))}} function X () {var e = function (e , t, n) {return Array.isArray (e)? e.reduce (function (e, t) {return! t || c.isEmptyStr (t.name) || (! t.storage || c.isEmptyStr (t .storage.type) || c.isEmptyStr (t.storage.name) || -1 === n.indexOf (t.storage.type)? c.isPlainObject (t.value)? e.push ( t): t.storage || t.value || e.push ( t): e.push (t)), e}, []): []} (P, 0, j); if (e.length) {var t = R.filter (function (e) {return! i () (k, function (t) {return t.name === e.name})}); k = t.map (function (t) {var n = i () (e, function (e) {return e.name&& (e.name.toLowerCase () === t.name.toLowerCase () || t.aliasName&&e.name.toLowerCase () = == t.aliasName.toLowerCase ())}); return n& .name! == n.name&& (n.name = t.name), t.findRootDomain = L, n? {submodule: t, config: n, callback: void 0, idObj: void 0}: null}). filter (function (e) {return null! == e}),! D&&k.length&& (Object (u. a) (). requestBids.before (G, 40), c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – usersync configuration updated for ») .concat (k.length, « sub-modules: »), k.map (function (e) {return e.submodule.name})), D =! 0)}} function $ (e) {i () (R, function (t) {return t.name === e.name }) || (R.push (e), X ())} Function Z (e) {k = [], P = [], D =! 1, h = void 0, -1! == (j = [x.localStorageIsEnabled ()? T: null, x.cookiesAreEnabled ()? E: null] .filter (function (e) {return null! == e})). indexOf (E) &&x.getCookie (w) ? c.logInfo («  ». concat (I, « – opt-out cookie found, exit module »)): – 1! == j.indexOf (T) &&x.getDataFromLocalStorage (w)? c.logInfo ( » « . concat (I, » – Opt-out localStorage found, exit module « )) 🙁 e.getConfig (function (e) {var t = e.userSync; t&&t.userIds&& (P = t.userIds, S = c .isNumber (t.syncDelay)? t.syncDelay: 500, A = c.isNumber (t.auctionDelay)? t.auctionDelay: 0, X ())}), Object (ua) (). getUserIds = K, Object (ua) (). getUserIdsAsEids = H, Object (ua) (). refreshUserIds = J)} Z (ob), Object (pc) (« userId », $)}}, [716]), pbjs.processQueue ( );
}, {}];
window.modules [« visibility.legacy »] = [function (require, module, exports) {« use strict »; DS.service (« $ visibility », [« $ document », « $ window », « _ throttle », « Eventify », function (e, t, n, i) {var o, r, h = []; function s (e, t) {return et? E: t} function d (e, t, n) { ! e.preload&&e.preloadThreshhold&&function (e, t, n, i) {return t.top = e.shownThreshold&&! e.seen? (e.seen =! 0, setTimeout (function () {e.trigger) , new r (« shown », t))}, 15)) :(! n || i1&& (h = e (r, Math.floor (n / o), i-1, o)), h}, this.getVerticallyVisiblePixels = f, this.getViewportHeight = function () {return t.innerHeight || e.documentElement.clientHeight || e.body.clientHeight}, this.getViewportWidth = function () {return t.innerWidth || e. documentElement.clientWidth || e.body.clientWidth}, this.isElementNotHidden = u, this.isElementInViewport = function (n) {var i = n.getBoundingClientRect (); return i.top> = 0&&i.left> = 0CSSEottom .CHARCSS. = o.length) return {done: true}; return {done: false, value: o [i]}; }, e: function e (_e) {throw _e; }, f: F}; } throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt to iterate a non-iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator] () method. »); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return {s: function s () {it = o [symbol.iterator] (); }, n: function n () {var step = it.next (); normalCompletion = step.done; Return step; }, e: function e (_e2) {didErr = true; Error = _e2; }, f: function f () {try {if (! normalCompletion && it.return! = null) it.return (); } finally {if (didErr) throw err; }}}; }

Function _unsupportedIterableToArray (o, minLen) {if (! O) return; if (typeof o === « string ») return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call (o) .slice (8, -1); if (n === « Object » && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === « Map » || n === « Set ») return Array.from (o); if (n === « Arguments » || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); }

function _arrayLikeToArray (arr, len) {if (len == null || len> arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array (len); i


Democratic Party,Joe Biden,United States Senate,Nancy Pelosi,Joe Manchin,Government,Debt limit,Democratic Party, Joe Biden, United States Senate, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Manchin, Government, Debt limit,,Democratic Party,Congressional Progressive Caucus,House of Representatives,Law and Legislation,American Jobs Plan (2021),Infrastructure (Public Works),Abortion,United States Politics and Government,Biden, Joseph R Jr,Manchin, Joe III,Sinema, Kyrsten,Jayapal, Pramila,Pelosi, Nancy,,,Bernie Sanders,Joe Biden,US Congress,House of Representatives,US Senate,US domestic policy,US news,US politics,Biden administration,,,,,,

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