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CM – Premier League 2021-22 Preview No. 19: West Ham

David Moyes' squad looks thin as he enters Europe trying to defy the club's trend towards success which is followed by a slump

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David Moyes’ roster looks thin as he steps into Europe trying to defy the club’s trend towards success which is followed by a slump

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David Moyes’ roster looks thin as he enters Europe and tries to defy the club’s trend towards success which is followed by a slump

Estimated position of Wächter writers: 10. (Note: This is not necessarily the prediction of John Brewin, but the average of our writers’ tips)

More of that is the goal. But it won’t be easy. David Moyes has to strike against the rhythms of the Hammers story. Part of the puzzle that the West Ham Way is, is that serious break-ins usually follow successes.

Third place under John Lyall in 1985-86 was followed by 15th in 1986-87 and seventh in 2001-02 under the late Glenn Roeder, followed by relegation the next season. Alan Pardew was fired in December after reaching the 2006 FA Cup final and ninth place with a promoted player. His departure soon followed. The repetition of last season’s push to the Champions League and a possible sixth place must be achieved in 2020/21 by a seemingly thin squad that has not yet been fattened. The club’s penchant for late night shopping when the transfer window slams is sure to resurface. Sixth place came without a recognized center-forward for half a season, with further blatant gaps in a squad that Moyes worked almost miraculously with. He used 24 players, with only Marcelo Bielsa using 23 fewer in Leeds.

In addition there is the diversion of the Europa League. For West Ham, participation in Europe usually entails costs for the domestic form. Even if the club has only played the first round of the old Uefa Cup this century, the additional games in the early season have a kick-off effect. This time, the group stage of the Europa League in September attracts no qualifications, but that means a Thursday-Sunday routine until mid-December at the earliest.

The David Moyes, whom Sir Alex Ferguson once saw as a young version of himself, was very skilled at filling in and filling in gaps in his Everton roster. There are many memories of players like Marouane Fellaini and Tim Cahill, who were up there in the absence of a striker, as some stopgap solutions came and went (someone Denis Stracqualursi?). The idea of ​​inspiring Mikhail Antonio as any sort of emergency option is thwarted by the South Londoner’s status as top scorer for the past two seasons, but his variable fitness record denied Moyes his main option for that late-season push for Europe.

Moyes, who is notoriously cautious about recruiting, and co-chair David Sullivan, one of the more enthusiastic participants in the market, have been worrying about filling vacancies. Striker Sébastien Haller joined Ajax in January without a replacement and a central defender is needed as Fabián Balbuena is free. In midfield, the Hammers fans are desperately hoping that Declan Rice will stay at least one more season before he followed the path of Joe Cole, Rio Ferdinand, Michael Carrick et al. A permanent return from Jesse Lingard, enlightening after his January loan from Manchester United, would cost a lot of money. And such money must only be available when another asset is realized; West Ham’s finances did not allow them to absorb the severe losses of the pandemic.

Last season was a pleasant surprise, but now has a lot to do justice to. Another variable can be added. Is it foolish to suggest that West Ham’s huge improvement was due in part to the fact that home games weren’t played in front of an infamous devastating support? Did the London stadium have to be empty to finally feel at home? Perhaps a long absence now makes the hearts of the fans for the place beat faster.

David Moyes’ reputation at Everton was built by excelling by using limited resources to challenge far richer opponents. In a second term at West Ham, he revived the act, raising the question of why the owners let him go after saving the club from relegation at the end of the 2017/18 season. Finishing sixth, two points behind Champions League qualification, was a personal triumph for someone written off as a dinosaur and turned into a meme for the failures of old-school footballers’ values. Moyes’ prickly personality does not hide someone who has never lost faith in their own abilities; Last season at West Ham returned the boast he’d shown in his heyday at Everton. Just don’t mention Manchester United, Sunderland or Real Sociedad. A slightly different David Moyes ran these clubs.

The comparisons of Tomas Soucek with the former Moyes talisman Marouane Fellaini are too simple and mainly focus on both players being tall and dominant in the air. The Czech was important in Moyes’ restoration of West Ham, his arrival in January 2020 certainly helped develop Declan Rice to strengthen the midfield. Soucek doesn’t have the grace of Trevor Brooking or Alan Devonshire, but instead represents another branch of the Hammers ethos: the die-hard professional who can play a bit; the Billy Bonds tradition.

As in 2010, David’s Sullivan and Gold continue to rule the pack, while Lady Karren Brady the eyes and ears actually run the show. In the summer, an offer from an American consortium for the club was rejected. A revolving door of managers, countless controversy, relegation and a definite lack of fan popularity have occasionally caused things to get a little hairy at the London stadium. And yet it is the case that Sullivan and Gold enjoy being the guardians of their beloved club and would be very reluctant to give up.

When did it become clear that England could not win the European Championship after all? The sight of a physically and mentally exhausted Rice stepping off the field in the 72nd minute of the final and his face betraying his disappointment felt significant. England have only won one major tournament so far with a hammer on the field. In the summer of 2021, Rice became a senior player for his country and that could cause problems for West Ham. Chelsea are expected to take a step with their best buddy and English colleague, Mason Mount.

Anyone who visits the old Boleyn Ground or the London Stadium will find that no song ever drowns out the popularity of I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles could. Before the game, at halftime and full-time, you can hear the version of the FA Cup final team from 1975 – with funky wah-wah. The fans sing it too, although the goal music of the London stadium is inappropriately the twist & shout of the Beatles.

The good culture lovers can soon visit the BBC Music Studios, Sadler’s Wells East and the neighboring building V&A which is being built near the stadium.

The Worst: Trudging across a windy former Olympic Park to Westfield or into the wilderness of Hackney Wick will never be fun.

The Hammers crest was overhauled in 2014 before the stadium move and is a marriage of 21st century minimalism and the claim to blue-chip capitalism. A pair of crossed hammers offers iconography pointing to the club’s wrought iron roots in the 19th century.

Hammerhead, who replaced Herbie the Hammer in a coup in 2011, looks like a Battlestar Galactica Cylon wearing a replica shirt.


West Ham United F.C.,David Moyes,Premier League,Manchester United F.C.,West Ham United F.C., David Moyes, Premier League, Manchester United F.C.,,West Ham United,Premier League,Football,Sport,


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