Home Actualité internationale CM – Preview: Eastern Michigan welcomes MSU Men’s Tires
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CM – Preview: Eastern Michigan welcomes MSU Men’s Tires

After a successful game against Butler, the Spartans want to win their third straight win against Eastern Michigan.  

After the first away win of the season, Michigan state men’s basketball will face east Michigan at home.

The Spartans are 32-3 all-time against Eastern Michigan with their last game on November 25, 2020 that resulted in an 83-67 win.

Michigan State (2-1) was hot and never gave up its lead against Butler on Wednesday with a 72-51 win. Senior striker Gabe Brown led all the scorers with 19 points while freshman guard Max Christie and senior center Marcus Bingham Jr. appeared at either end of the floor, combining for 28 points and 7 blocks.

Despite 20 rallies and a few scoring droughts in the first half, the Spartans showed their strongest performance of the season in a difficult road environment. Head coach Tom Izzo lamented the problems ahead but was optimistic about the future growth of his team.

« We still have a long way to go, » said Izzo after Wednesday’s game. « But I think we’re getting better and our goal is to get better every day now. »

Eastern Michigan (1-2) is coached by former Michigan State Assistant Stan Heath, a member of a Spartan team that won a national title and four Big Ten championships during his tenure from 1996 to 2001. In his first three games at the top of Heath, the Eagles suffered two narrow road losses to Indiana and Northern Kentucky with a high-scoring double home win in overtime to Illinois State.

The Eagles’ strength lies in their deep and talented backcourt, led by Portland State Transfer and Senior Guard Monty Scott (18.7 points per game) with further performances from Junior Guard Bryce McBride (15.3 points per game) and freshman guard Noah Farrakhan (18.7 points.). per game). Eastern Michigan, a team on duty, wasn’t exactly an impressive shooting team this year (41.5% of the field as a team), but the aforementioned trio pose the greatest threat to shooting of anybody on the list.

At 7 feet, Senior Center Axel Okongo (3.3 points per game) is the middle man for Eastern Michigan. Okongo is not a great offensive player but will give Bingham his first matchup of its kind in terms of size. Redshirt freshman Yusuf Jihad and freshman Mo Njie will also see some time on the position.

From there, Northern Illinois Transfer and senior forward Nate Scott and Siena Transfer and freshman Colin Golson Jr. form the remainder of the front court. Scott’s versatility adds to this team and Golson could have the highest player limit for Eastern Michigan.

The tip-off is scheduled for Saturday at 5 p.m. and the game will be broadcast on BTN.

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Michigan State Spartans men’s basketball,Butler Bulldogs men’s basketball,Big Ten Conference,Basketball,Michigan State Spartans football,Michigan State Spartans men’s basketball, Butler Bulldogs men’s basketball, Big Ten Conference, Basketball, Michigan State Spartans football,,,


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