Home Actualité internationale CM – The winners and losers of Friends Reunion
Actualité internationale

CM – The winners and losers of Friends Reunion

From Matthew Perry to Jennifer Aniston to the beetle in Lisa Kudrow's hair.

The reunion with the friends inevitably includes a replica of the biggest episode in the series, « The One With the Embryos, » in which Rachel and Monica compete against Joey and Chandler in a quiz competition. But as with anything that costs millions of dollars and involves multinational corporations, reuniting the friends itself must have its own winners and losers. We have summarized them below. (Unlike real friends, the losers don’t have to give up their fancy, rent-controlled apartment.) Despite what Kudrow insists, she doesn’t want to repeat the role of Phoebe Buffay and still keeps things like « Floopy » up in her 50s must say she still channels the character perfectly. Most cast members give it their all while the table reads some favorite episodes, but their scream in « The One Everyone Finds Out » puts the show on 11th.

Not since the debate fly has an insect stole the spotlight like this. It’s not even visible to the camera, but when David Schwimmer points it out in the middle of the answer, it derails the whole moment while Kudrow freaks out. A turning point.

If the reunion hits one, it will likely pique viewers’ appetites to go back and revisit some Friends episodes. According to reports, HBO Max spent $ 425 million stealing friends’ streaming rights from Netflix – and millions more to lure the cast to reunite – and it’s seemingly paying off. Meanwhile, NBC’s streaming service Peacock is apparently struggling to keep up with HBO Max’s 44 million subscribers and has lost nearly $ 1 billion in 2020. Keep your enemies close, but keep friends closer.

So much of the friends reunion is a love festival, it’s nice to have at least two cast members who ground the show a little in their own way. Matthew Perry’s sad admission that he felt he was going to die if the audience didn’t laugh at his jokes was about as deep as the particular, which dealt with the pressures of the cast’s extreme fame. At the other end of the Matt spectrum, with anecdotes like his story about the moment a paparazzi helicopter flew over his house and made him realize what a mess his roof was, LeBlanc is refreshingly dubious about the whole thing. Nothing breaks the spell quite like seeing LeBlanc’s post on the wall of the nice messages posted on the last day of shooting: « I shit here. » The admission by Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer that they were in their first seasons Having a crush on each other but always having different relationships is a huge asset to the mailers of Ross and Rachel – not only because of the real romance with the stars, but also because the two never reacted to their feelings. As Courteney Cox points out, this might have ruined everything, while it would obviously have worked to channel their chemistry into their characters.

Six out of six friends agree: Ross and Rachel took a break. Even Jennifer Aniston! Sorry Rachel, no 18-page letter will change that, even with the pages front and back.

That doesn’t happen, says Lisa Kudrow, and the show’s co-creators agree: bringing friends back would mean that Unraveling the happy ending, and they’re not ready.

I feel a little bad for James Corden! His energy is completely wrong for the special, and the editing does him a disservice. He alternates between intimate scenes of the cast remembering and the host’s half-screaming softball questions. One has to wonder if it wouldn’t have been better to have given the hosting appearance to someone connected to the show, like Paul Rudd (who doesn’t show up) or Gunther actor James Michael Tyler (who, like most guest stars, barely gets a chance to say hello before being fired in favor of bigger celebs who have nothing to do with friends).

It’s never fun when a former co-star publicly tells you to « fuck off. » « But that’s exactly what Schwimmer did to his Capuchin co-star Marcel (real name Katie) when asked if there was something he didn’t like about the set of the show. Schwimmer’s dislike of his co-star is so great that Perry even says, « I want you to be serious. »

First of all, I want to say that I love animals. I love primates. I have nothing against animals. I am an animal lover. However. Here was my problem: the monkey – obviously it was trained. It had to hit the mark and get its thing right at the right time, but what inevitably happened was that we would all have choreographed a bit of timed out and it would get messed up because the monkey wasn’t doing its job right. So we’d have to reset, we’d have to go again because the monkey didn’t get it right. This happened over and over again when we wanted to do something really funny, but the monkey didn’t hit the mark so we had to start over.

Schwimmer also (understandably) had problems with the monkey eating live maggots while he was doing it sat on his shoulder. Letting your dirty laundry ventilate like this can’t be good for the monkey, who is ready to bring them back to the small screen in Y: The Last Man soon.

The man announced on TV that he was a 25- has held a grudge against a MONKEY for years. I bet the monkey hasn’t even thought of him since leaving the show. Embarrassing.

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Friends,Jennifer Aniston,David Schwimmer,Matthew Perry,Matt LeBlanc,Lisa Kudrow,Courteney Cox,Ross Geller,Friends, Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc, Lisa Kudrow, Courteney Cox, Ross Geller,,Friends,Friends The Reunion,HBO Max,review,TV,,,comedy, hbo,


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