Home Actualité internationale CM – Volkswagen is building a gigafactory for two billion euros
Actualité internationale

CM – Volkswagen is building a gigafactory for two billion euros

In accordance with its NEW AUTO strategy, the group will try to become a leader in the production of electric cars. To achieve this, a unified battery is to be created that will be built into all of the brand’s new electric vehicles.

Due to future needs, the construction of six Gigafactory systems is already planned. The first will be built in Salzgitter (Lower Saxony), and battery production in this facility is scheduled to begin in early 2025. The group is providing 2 billion euros for this.

The rest are to be built in Spain and Eastern Europe, but where exactly they are is not known – it will be announced in the first half of 2022. In addition to the factory, two more plants will be built in Saxony by 2030.

In addition to the construction of Gigafactory plants, Volkswagen also shared plans to build a factory in Skellefteå, Sweden. This is related to the company’s stake in the startup Northvolt AB, which will manufacture batteries for Volkswagen for the new premium electric car segment – this should take place from 2023.

In addition, a cooperation was entered into with Umicore, 24M and Vulcan Energy Resources, thanks to which the group secures its supply chain and develops the necessary « know-how » to reduce production costs.

In the next five Years ago, the group is providing 52 billion euros for the development and production of electric cars.

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Volkswagen Group,Electric battery,Societas Europaea,Tesla Gigafactory,Automotive industry,Europe,Volkswagen Group, Electric battery, Societas Europaea, Tesla Gigafactory, Automotive industry, Europe,,,,

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