Home Actualité internationale CM – When PM Modi met a “Chaiwala” from Goa
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CM – When PM Modi met a “Chaiwala” from Goa

Panaji: Don't be shy about his past when he was selling tea at a train station in Gujarat.

Panaji: No fear of his past, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was selling tea at a train station in Gujarat as a young boy, he connected with a « Chaiwala » from Goa during a virtual interaction on Saturday.
Among the many beneficiaries of the Atmanirbhar Bharat, Swayampurna Goa initiatives, Modi also spoke to Ruki Ahmed, a person with physical disabilities who runs a stall in the port city of Vasco that also sells samosas, water, chips, cookies and tea.
« You’re a Chaiwala like me, too, » Modi quipped during his conversation with Ahmed.
The Prime Minister also praised Ahmed’s courage and courage, which earned him a gold medal in table tennis at Para-Games at the district level.
« Your courage inspires everyone. Since the people have given us the chance to serve, we try our best to ensure that the divyangs in our country can live with respect, » said Modi.
« You have seen how the para-athletes of the country have made India proud lately. You are an athlete too, give all you can, the government will help you overcome shortcomings. Make Goa proud, » said modes.

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Narendra Modi,India,Goa,Prime Minister of India,Narendra Modi, India, Goa, Prime Minister of India,,,,Goa,Panaji,Prime Minister,Narendra Modi,Aatmanirbhar Bharat Swayampurna Goa programme,government,Pramod Sawant,,,,

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