Home Actualité internationale CM – WHO calls for a moratorium on COVID vaccine refreshments by 2022
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CM – WHO calls for a moratorium on COVID vaccine refreshments by 2022

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GENEVA, Switzerland – The World Health Organization called on the countries on Wednesday on not giving additional COVID vaccinations until the end of the year, pointing to the millions worldwide who have not yet received a single dose.


World Health Organization,Booster dose,Vaccine,Vaccination,Tedros Adhanom,World Health Organization, Booster dose, Vaccine, Vaccination, Tedros Adhanom,,,,COVID-19,coronavirus,world health organization,booster shots,Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Overseas, 2021-09-09,,Health & Medical,,,,covid 19 live updates,covid 19 september 9 live updates,coronavirus live updates,coronavirus september 9 live updates,covid 19,covid 19 live,coronavirus,covid pandemic,covishield,covaxin,zydus cadila,union health ministry,covid cases,vaccination,schools reopen,lockdown updates,health,public health,third wave,,,

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