More information will be revealed next week on a report on alleged war crimes committed by Australian Special Forces troops in Afghanistan, but the level of detail remains unknown
Defense Chief Angus Campbell received the report, which emerged from an investigation by the Australian Defense Force Inspector General into alleged incidents between 2005 and 2016
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Saturday the report dealt with extremely sensitive issues, possibly indicating constraints on the details revealed
« The government will take it very seriously and we will follow all appropriate legal and institutional processes that are appropriate, » he said
« These are extremely sensitive issues and it is important that we conduct a process here that respects the integrity of our defense forces, meets the standards that all Australians would expect of our defense forces and that we make sure people are treated fairly « , added the Prime Minister
« We’re going to do all of these things, but this process still has a long way to go »
« I intend to speak to the main findings once I have read and considered the report, » he said in a brief statement
The federal government has vowed to release the report, fearing it will be heavily redacted when it is finally released
War Crime, Australia, Minister of Defense, Afghanistan War, Angus Campbell, Australian Defense Force, Scott Morrison
World News – AU – More to come on one Afghan report « sensitive »