Home Actualité internationale World news – Black lawmaker arrested in Georgia Capitol for attempting to sign the governor’s voting restriction bill
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World news – Black lawmaker arrested in Georgia Capitol for attempting to sign the governor’s voting restriction bill

It took 50 seconds from the first knock on the door for the soldiers to handcuff and arrest the legislature.

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A Democratic State representative in Georgia was arrested and removed from the state capital building Thursday evening after attempting to attend a ceremony to celebrate the signing of a new law by Republican Governor Brian Kemp that makes voting difficult . The video of the scene shows Rep. Park Cannon, black and calm trying to attend the signing ceremony and subsequent press conference at the governor’s capitol. Cannons can be seen approaching the closed doors and knocking lightly on them before being intercepted by state troops. In a brief, muted encounter that was more of a mild protest registration than provocation, Cannon was abruptly handcuffed and dragged out of the Capitol. It took the state forces every 50 seconds since Cannon first knocked on the door to handcuff and arrest her.

I was proud to have S.B. To ensure that the elections in Georgia are safe, fair and accessible. I appreciate the hard work of the members of the General Assembly making it easy to vote and difficult to cheat. pic.twitter.com/1ztPnfD6rd

Cannon was taken out of the capital, put in a police car and held in Fulton County Jail until released on bail Thursday night.

Legislators have been charged with prosecuting and having disrupted the meetings of the General Assembly, both of which are criminal offenses. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that court documents said Cannon was accused of knocking « knowingly and intentionally » on the governor’s door while signing a bill and targeting Officer L.T. was trampled. Langford’s foot three times … « The warrant said, » The defendant continued to kick LT Langford with her heels. « 

Rep. @ Cannonfor58 is arrested by GA State Troopers and taken out of the Georgia State Capitol building after being asked not to knock on a door that led to Governor Brian Kemp’s office while Governor Kemp # SB202 signed behind closed doors in #. Atlanta #gapol pic.twitter.com/kw5FCrgqEm

The arrest is an affront, as is the Georgia law passed in response to the 2020 Republican election of Georgia lost for the first time in decades. Although Georgia Republicans found no credible allegations of electoral fraud or systemic irregularity of any kind in multiple recounts and audits, they took advantage of the GOP’s outrage arising from Donald Trump’s electoral fraud fiction. Georgian law is the first restrictive electoral law promoted nationwide by Republicans in the name of “electoral integrity.” Some of the harmful Most parts of the original bill, such as requiring an apology for voters to vote by mail and reducing the weekend early voting hours popular with Democrats, were ultimately stripped due to a Democratic outcry.

In addition to a series of innocuous administrative changes However, the new law still adds new requirements for voter ID cards for postal ballots, restricts the use of postal boxes for postal voting, empowers voters to question the eligibility of an unlimited number of voters, and gives state election officials the power to hold local elections . The new law also criminalizes the distribution of food and water to voters in line.

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