Home Actualité internationale World news – Dana Carvey makes an incredible Joe Biden impression
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World news – Dana Carvey makes an incredible Joe Biden impression

The SNL mainstay revealed its Joe Biden on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

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It is always interesting when an impressionist talks about his craft, all the more so when the impression is good. The Trump presidency was a goldmine for that kind of behind-the-scenes look, as virtually every working comedian impersonated Trump on occasion, but most of their Trumps were terrible, which meant the few people who pronounced Trump dead were often asked been like you did it. James Austin Johnson, who has arguably the funniest Trump impression outside of the Hall of Presidents, gave one of the most insightful answers: Half the battle is choosing the right version of the person you want to impersonate. While other Impressionists used the 1980s Trump as a starting point, Johnson went straight to what he called « Rally Trump, » a sprawling, love-hungry old man who seems to be constantly coughing up a lung. More evidence that the key to making a good impression is a carefully chosen starting point came Tuesday when former Saturday Night Live cast member Dana Carvey discussed his great Joe Biden impression on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. « I’ll do him at City Hall if he’s like the gentle father of the country, » Carvey said to Colbert. The results speak for themselves:

For comparison purposes, here is a clip in which Biden is a gentle father of the country in his town hall in February. (He’s not doing the « number one … » thing Carvey mentioned in that clip, but he’s done it several times throughout the town hall.) There are two main differences between Carvey’s Joe Biden and the mostly lackluster Bidens on Saturday Night Live. Number one, Carvey takes practically none of the Onion version of the character « Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am in the White House Driveway ». The Onion’s Biden requires a level of craziness that Biden has seldom shown in public since telling stories about corn pop back in June 2017. Number two, like Austin Trump, Carvey has thought about Biden’s way of thinking The Mind Works – his free association between Bob Woodward, Joanne Woodward, and Bob Redford is masterful – and his impression comes from both the way Biden tries to make a point convey, as well as his verbal and physical tics. It’s such a funny impression that we’re calling him now: even though Carvey has never played Biden on Saturday night, he’s still the biggest Joe Biden on Saturday night. Isn’t that something special?

Matthew Dessem is Brow Beats Nights and Weekends Editor and writer of a biography for screenwriter and director Clyde Bruckman.

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