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World news – FINAL: MSU 71, OSU 67, Spartans overthrow Buckeyes No. 4

MSU pissed off a second AP Top 5 team in four days.

The players wrestle for the ball during the MSU men’s basketball game against OSU at the Breslin Center on February 25, 2021.

After a game that is largely pending, the men’s basketball team of the Michigan state (13-9, 7-9 Big Ten) toppled another AP Top 5 team.

A free throw from Joshua Langford sealed the deal in the final seconds, pushing MSU higher in the Big Ten and watered the flower their post-season dreams are with a 71-67 win over the state of Ohio.

MSU led the game early, with Aaron Henry showing up in all the right spots, shooting in the top 10 Minutes of play 71% off the field. But OSU didn’t let them slip by as Henry scored seven points in the first five minutes of the first half, but after picking up two fouls he was benched with Langford as both had two fouls in the first Half.

In the beginning everything seemed to go wrong for MSU. With nine turnovers and eleven fouls in 20 minutes, the Spartans had lost the stamina we’d seen against both Indiana and Illinois No. 5. The net didn’t have it tonight with air balls and edge jumps.

Gabe Brown did his best to carry, but one man can only do so much. The Spartans were in a drought.

But trainer Tom Izzo knew what he was doing. The Spartans discovered the four guards who had helped them in three games and enabled a comeback in the midst of a disappointing season.

OSU was visibly frustrated after a few games discussed, but with the help of Rocket Watts and freshman A.J. Hoggard, MSU had drawn within five points by half time and promised the rest. OSU’s biggest advantage of the night was nine points.

Brown finished with 11 points and went 4v6 off the field. Henry broke double digits at 12:30 in the second half, finished on 18 points and went 7-on-11.

Watts and Hoggard added 11 points together, Marcus Bingham Jr. scored another eight and Joey Hauser himself eight.

Overall, the Spartans shot 48% from the field, 27% from the 3-point land and 76% from the line. On the final stretch, MSU made nine of their last eleven shots, keeping OSU in a drought where the Buckeyes could only score with free throws.

Ohio State Forward E.J. Liddell led the Buckeyes, came out with a total of 18 points and went 4-on-13 off the field. He was supported by Duane Washington Jr., a colleague of Buckeye, who interpreted 17 points himself, as well as Justice Sueing and CJ Walker, who interpreted 22 points together.

The only other horse chestnut to have good numbers with eight points scored was striker Zed Key. OSU head coach Chris Holtmann has been kicked out in the final seconds for technical reasons.

With four games remaining at the end of the season, the Spartans will fly to College Park, Maryland on Sunday, February 28, to play against the Terrapins to fight. Tip in the Xfinity Center is 2 p.m. on CBS.

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– <a href =" /? S = FINAL: MSU 71, OSU 67, Spartans overthrow Buckeyes No. 4 "FINAL : MSU 71, OSU 67, Spartans overthrow Buckeyes No. 4

Ref: https://statenews.com

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