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World news – Preview: Michigan state women’s basketball seeks revenge on No. 7 Maryland

Michigan state will travel to Maryland at short notice after the game is scheduled for Thursday morning.

Junior Guard Nia Clouden (24) blocked on all sides during a game against Iowa on December 12, 2020 at the Breslin Center. The Spartans defeated the Hawkeyes 86-82.

Moments after their six-point loss to Maryland No. 12, Michigan state women’s basketball hit the locker room.

After up in the fourth quarter after a record day for Maryland-born Nia Clouden, a heartbreaking loss can deal a tough blow to a team. Their heads stayed high, however, and the message was consistent across the team.

This request came earlier than expected, as both teams had decided to go this Thursday, as opposed to their originally planned date of February 10th.

« I just think we’re all really excited to play again, » said Clouden. « Last week we played for the first time in two weeks and then we just found out we were going to play against Maryland tomorrow. We’re all very excited and we’ll be ready. »

Bad problems put the Spartans in a difficult position against the Terrapins, as they tried 38 shots from the charity flick and sank 33 of them. With a team as explosive on offense as the Terrapins – they lead the NCAA in points per game – it’s not what Michigan state basketball coach Suzy Merchant would love to do.

« We gave 33 points on the free-throw line (up). I know some of that was a foul in the end, but we have to keep working on it, » said Merchant. « We have to get better, we have to get a little more disciplined in this regard because they are very good at putting themselves in line. » We just need to be in a better position to make sure we don’t put ourselves in the positions we’re fouling. “

A lot of the fouls came from inland as Maryland stars Ashley Owusu and Diamond Miller made 21 attempts from the free throw line, leaving the Spartans in dire trouble in an already thin forecourt.

Taiyier Parks and Alisia Smith answered the call after their two week hiatus when they scored 34 points and 11 rebounds in their win against Wisconsin on Sunday.

« We really wanted a consistent production of our post-play and not that they were inconsistent, but I know not whether we worked well enough to get them the ball, « Merchant said. “Some of it is up to me and a lot of it is up to me as a coach, and certainly our guards have to do a better job to be on the ball, but I really loved the way they played against Wisconsin. I think both really brought a lot of confidence. I thought our guards did a lot better at bringing them the ball when they needed it, just to hold it so they wouldn’t have to make a multitude of moves or the defense didn’t recover yet. I was really proud of their hard work inside, but also of this teamwork. “

Merchant will be one of her most consistent players in forward Tory Ozment after testing positive for COVID-19.

Your status for Sunday’s Indiana game has yet to be determined. With Ozment’s absence, the aftermath of Smith and Parks becomes all the more important.

One of the players who will fill these minutes is the second guard, Moira Joiner, who has found her role after an injury-related start of the season, scored 10 points and one tough defense against the Wisconsin Badgers offered.

« She’s just plain tenacious and tenacious, » said Merchant. « I think she just kept working on being more consistent from the three-dot line. I know that was a goal of hers. »

# 7 Maryland has won three out of four since it did on Jan. January defeated the Spartans, and lost the second loss of the season to Ohio State No. 17 on Monday. This is their first home game since breaking Purdue by 37 points three days after beating Michigan State at East Lansing.

When they lost to the Buckeyes, Owusu and Katie Benzan scored 55 points together but struggled outside of that at both points, because they lagged behind by two points. Regardless of the latest results, the Terrapins remain one of the top teams at the conference.

Post-play and foul issues determine whether the Spartans complete their redemption arc after the game or what some of the college football teams look like, who exclaim, « We want » Bama « before they return to reality.

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Ref: https://statenews.com


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