Accueil Actualité internationale World news – The BluesFest 2021 has been officially canceled
Actualité internationale

World news – The BluesFest 2021 has been officially canceled


Our hearts go out to the Byron Bay BluesFest team that had to cancel their 2021 festival that was supposed to start tomorrow!

After the heartbreaking call to cancel the 2020 event because you know what the event was 2021 the chance for the long-running Australian music festival to make up for last year’s losses.

The absolutely devastating news is proof of how difficult the music industry is at the moment.

Ticket holders and concert-goers can find more information at: www.bluesfest Be understanding and patient with the team, they are busy.

If you are in the music industry and need assistance during this time, contact Support Act: < Make sure you get the LiSTNR app on iTunes or Google Play so you never miss out on any of our best things!

Related title :
The 2021 APRA Awards Nominations List
BluesFest 2021 was officially canceled



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