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World news – The Casual Marvel Fan Guide to WandaVision Episode 7

Here's what's up with Agnes, Monica, "Nexus," the villain, and more.

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So … modern family? Is that what it is But then the theme song was more like The Office?

Yes, this episode ruffles about Modern Family, although the theme song clearly mimics The Office and the visual style of the credits mimics Happy Endings, the ABC sitcom made by the Russo- Brothers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you’re looking for a modern family sitcom that you can emulate, Modern Family is the one for you. As for why the show uses a theme song from a show that is not emulated, the Office theme song has a lot more cultural impact when it comes to instantly reminding the listener of a current sitcom, not least because that Modern Family theme is only 10 seconds long. What about the advertising? Any meaning to the name « Nexus »?

At WandaWorld, Nexus is a « unique antidepressant » whose side effects include « feeling your feelings », « confronting your truth » and « possibly more depression ». In the comics, the nexus is a gateway through which people can travel to different universes, similar to what is in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. (This could explain why Evan Peters’ Pietro is here and not Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Pietro.) The Scarlet Witch is also a « Nexus ». Only one nexus being can exist per universe, serving as the anchor point for that particular version of reality. Nexus beings are also able to uniquely alter the flow of time through all universes, thereby maintaining or disrupting the equilibrium of the multiverse.

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I assume Monica is a superhero now? What are their powers? And who is she in the comics?

Monica has finally gained her superpowers, which comic book readers have been expecting for a while since she was featured as the second Captain Marvel in the comics. After being bombarded with the energy from Wanda’s Hex so many times, she can now see and manipulate all forms of electromagnetic energy. She’s had a few names over the years that come from Photon, Pulsar, and most recently Spectrum, and according to the comics, she’s really now a being made up of electromagnetic energy itself and only choosing to exist in physical form. But she might not know that yet.

You mentioned Agnes Agatha Harkness before, but who is Agatha Harkness again? And what are her powers?

The twist that Agatha Harkness blames for much, if not all, of the chaos in Westview is fun, not least because her comic origins generally don’t seem to her in such an antagonistic light leaves. In the comics, Agatha is a powerful witch (and is mostly depicted as a white-haired old woman) who has done everything from nanny Franklin Richards, son of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, to a more relevant witch a mentor of the Scarlet Witch. She is able to teleport, project energy, hypnotize, plant thoughts and create illusions. And you rabbits, Señor Scratchy, could be a reference to Agatha’s son in the comics, super villain Nicholas Scratch.

What did those credits mimick, by the way? Couldn’t you have fallen in love with a witch again?

The flashbacks in these credits suggest that she was the one who punched holes in Wanda’s carefully crafted alternate reality, played around with the magic trick of vision, got Wanda’s neighbors to saw through a cinder block wall with his hedge trimmers, and the reappearance of Wanda’s brother Pietro / Peter constructed. We also learn that she faked her joint condition on the edge of Westview and gave her the chance to tell Vision what is really going on here, and she’s the one asking questions – most clearly, « Do you think this is maybe what you deserve?  » – behind the camera during episode head-style interviews. (Sure, it’s in a man’s voice, but she can do magic after all.) And she killed Sparky, too!

There are a lot of creepy witches in Agatha’s basement, but this strange book seems especially important. What’s going on there?

There has been much speculation that the book in Agatha’s basement is the Darkhold, a mystical spell book that appeared several times in the Marvel TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Given that there is already an almighty old band in the MCU, it seems odd to add another, but Agatha’s book has an entirely different symbol on the cover, and the last time anyone saw the Darkhold it was owned from Ghost Rider when he made it to Hell. So … maybe not.

What about Major Goodner, the military woman who introduced this episode? Is she someone we should know?

As of now, no! Goodner is not a comic book character. What did we learn from the post-credits scene?

That Evan Peters’ Pietro seems to be in what Agatha is up to. And those « snoops will snoop. »

Don’t just change – move. Although, according to Darcy, the show’s action took only about a week to complete in real time, Wanda has moved through sitcom styles over the decade and is closer to the present day – presumably because they eventually rejoin the real world and we will reckon with the truth of the death of vision. But their subconscious seems to be fighting back and maybe turning back the clock to delay the inevitable. Her flat screen TV turns back into a tube set, her bottle of almond milk turns into a carton of whole milk – complete with a photo of a missing child – her sons’ PlayStation controllers into Atari joysticks and then into Uno cards. (We also get a look at the Brady Bunch-era staircase.) Speaking of missing children, what happened to Billy and Tommy? We do not know yet. Hopefully not the fate she met in the comics, which, as we must always remember, turned into baby hands.

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