Home Actualité internationale World news – Use up any leftover Easter eggs with these four easy and delicious chocolate recipes from Rachel Allen
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World news – Use up any leftover Easter eggs with these four easy and delicious chocolate recipes from Rachel Allen




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If you eat a lot of chocolate, here are four easy recipes that the whole family can enjoy

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Rachel Allen Twitter

I’ve always loved Easter. When I was little, my sister and I carefully arranged our Easter eggs in our bedroom, each with its lovely light wrap, and compared who had the best prey and which of us could keep their prey longer. The chocolate egg trade in our home was very serious business, and I often lost due to my older sister’s cleverness. It never took long before we finally decided to pool our resources and combine our chocolates into rolls, cakes, biscuits and anything else we could think of. Mom was probably pleased to get rid of the slowly melting chocolate so they let us take care of the kitchen. Below are some recipes to get the most out of an excess of chocolate. The Easter nests are hardly a recipe – just a festive variation on chocolate rice Krispie rolls, often the first treat a child creates in the kitchen. The Earl Gray Chocolate Mousse is a quick, easy little recipe that has a delightful taste made from the bergamot oil (a citrus fruit hybrid of bitter orange and lemon) that Earl Gray tea contains. This mousse is ideal for shortbread biscuits or is inserted between meringues after it has set. Everyone loves a chocolate truffle and these are divine. I like the white chocolate and cardamom flavor combination, but if you prefer, skip the sweet seasoning and use a little ginger or orange peel instead and use milk chocolate instead of white. And for something sweet and calming, whip up a creamy hot chocolate with leftover Easter eggs. If the adults feel like it, an extra dash of brandy or whiskey wouldn’t go astray … this is a great way to use up any leftover chocolate. Happy Easter!

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You will need: 225 g milk, dark or white chocolate 100 g cornflakes 30 mini candied chocolate eggs

1. Chop or crush the milk, dark or white chocolate, depending on what you are using. Put it in a heat-resistant bowl over a saucepan with a few centimeters of water.

2. Place the saucepan with the bowl on it over medium heat. Bring the water to a boil, immediately remove the pan from the heat and let the chocolate melt very slowly, stirring from time to time.

3. Once the chocolate is melted and smooth, remove the bowl from the pot. Add the corn flakes to the melted chocolate and stir to mix. 4. Next, make the nests. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Use a 7 cm circular cutter to put one sixth of the chocolate and corn flakes mixture in the cutter and fill the round. Take a little bath in the middle. Lift the cutter and repeat the process to make the remaining 5 nests. Use the cutter as a shape each time.

5. If you don’t have a cutter, free-hand make the nests into rounds about 7 cm in diameter.

6. Place 5 candied mini chocolate eggs in each nest before the chocolate can set so that they stick to the nest and don’t fall out.

To make chocolate rolls for decorating cakes, melt some chocolate, pour them onto an upturned baking sheet and spread them, until they are about 4 mm to 5 mm thin. Leave this set, then pull the slicer towards you with a cheese slicer to create nice, large curls.

You will need: 200 ml milk 50 g dark, milk or white chocolate or a mixture A splash of cream – optional A dash of brandy, whiskey or an Irish cream liqueur – optional

1. Put the milk, the chopped chocolate and the cream, if you are using them, in a saucepan. Heat the mixture slowly and whisk to gently melt the chocolate.

2. Add a dash of brandy, whiskey, or Irish cream liqueur if you’re using it. Pour the hot chocolate into a cup and serve.

You need: 75 ml cream ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom 150 g white (or milk) chocolate, chopped 200 g powdered sugar, sifted

1. In one Bring the cream and the ground cardamom to the boil in a small saucepan and let it rest for 2 minutes so that the flavor of the cardamom can penetrate the cream. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat, and stir in the chopped chocolate until melted. Pour the mixture into a shallow bowl. Let cool in the refrigerator for about an hour until it is firm.

2. When the chocolate mixture has hardened completely, shape the truffles. First, sift the powdered sugar into a deep mixing bowl. Use a teaspoon to scoop out pieces of the set chocolate mixture. Roll each piece of chocolate in the palms of your hands to make balls 1cm to 2cm in diameter. Drop the chocolate balls in the powdered sugar and toss them so that each truffle is coated. Place on a plate and serve.

You need: 120 ml cream 2 teaspoons Earl Gray tea leaves (or 2 Earl Gray tea bags) 120 g dark or milk chocolate, finely chopped 2 eggs, separated

1. Add the Put the cream, tea leaves or tea bags, whichever you are using, in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes.

2. Put the cream in a bowl and throw away the tea leaves or tea bags. Pour the cream back into the saucepan over the heat. Bring the cream back to the boil and turn off the heat. Add the finely chopped dark chocolate or milk chocolate, whichever you are using, to the cream and stir until the chocolate melts in the cream. Stir in the egg yolks.

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3. Whisk the egg whites until just stiff. Stir ¼ of the egg white into the chocolate-cream mixture, then carefully fold in the remaining egg white, being careful not to knock out all of the air.

4. Decant the mousse in bowls, glasses or cups and set aside in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

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For the best and easiest chocolate sauce recipe, just use equal amounts of cream and chocolate. For 150 g of chocolate, bring 150 ml of cream to the boil in a saucepan. Remove from heat and add the chopped chocolate while stirring so it melts. Then add some orange peel or vanilla extract or a dash of brandy or rum to flavor.




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