Home Actualité internationale World news – Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid are married, says Ingrid Michaelson in a shocking live-stream video, but here’s the truth
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World news – Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid are married, says Ingrid Michaelson in a shocking live-stream video, but here’s the truth

Ingrid Michaelson said: "He's such a private person and now that he's married and has a child, he does the things he wants to do."

Ingrid Michaelson said: « He’s such a private person and now that he’s married and has a child, he does the things he wants to do. »

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Is Zayn Malik married to Gigi Hadid? Rumors have risen after singer Ingrid Michaelson’s new live stream revealed that Zayn and Gigi are married. When Ingrid talked about her latest collaboration on the song « To Begin Again », she went to her live stream just for Patreon to share the incredible experience of working with the former One Direction singer. The 41-year-old singer later shared her comment on Zayn’s marriage on her Instagram story. Zayn and Gigi have been together since November 2015, according to an inside report, and the couple welcomed their first child, Khai, in September 2020. Zayn and Gigi are considered to be one of the IT couples of our time and are never afraid to set new couple goals. Gigi was recently spotted doing Instagram roles with Zayn’s new song « Unfruckwitable » from the EP « Nobody’s Listening ».

Zayn Malik’s comment « F ** k the Grammys » pulls Harry Styles in line, Internet slams « Obvious Racism » into awards

Zayn Malik and Ingrid Michaelson’s « To Begin Again »: Live Stream, Release Date, Concept, Teaser and Everything You Need to Know About Songs

Ingrid fueled rumors about the marriage by Gigi and Zayn, but later headed over to their Instagram stories to sort this out. Ingrid spoke about working with Zayn on ‘To Begin Again’ and said on her live stream: « We never met. I never talked to him. Zayn doesn’t do things he doesn’t want to do and the fact that He hat this song is very flattering. He’s such a private individual and now that he’s married and has one kid, he does the things he wants to do. « Later on on her Instagram story, she stated, » I was wrong . He is not married. » She also apologized to Zayn’s fans for having had a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Ingrid Michaelson apologizes that Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid are married: “I was wrong. He is not married. Pic.twitter.com/iLIcxQVbMz

Ingrid’s live stream ‘Mistake’ started spreading on social media as Zayn’s fans went mad and shared their thoughts on the ‘secret’ marriage they knew nothing about. While some fans talked about how broken they would be if that were true, others gave credit for the “glamorous couple.” One fan raved about Zayn and Gigi and said, “The most beautiful couple there is!” And another fan wrote: « I know we never had a chance but Zayn is married now so our dreams have just been crushed. Happy for Zayn and Gigi anyway! ”A similar tweet read,“ If you find that Zayn is married to Gigi and you are still alone. ”Another fan came up with a theory that said,“ Okay, wait, I suspected KINDA of marrying ZAYN BC on the Zach Sang interview he called GIGI as his « wife »! « 

I know we never had a chance, but Zayn is married now, so our dreams have just been crushed – happy for Zayn and Gigi anyway. pic.twitter.com/RbeoXBB328


Zayn and Ingrid’s song ‘ To Begin Again ‘was well received by the fans and Zayn’s falsetto was established as a fan favorite. Check out the song below.

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