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Ric Flair

Actualité internationale

Les cinq meilleures reines de l’histoire de la WWE

Women’s wrestling has evolved over the years, and even when it wasn’t at the forefront, a number of stars blazed the trail for...

Actualité internationale

Mise à jour de POLLOCK : Mort de l’Iron Sheik

John Pollock looks at the career of the Iron Sheik, new gate figures for WWE & AEW, a recap of the Magnum T.A....

Actualité internationale

Ric Flair commente sur la mauvaise santé de Superstar Billy Graham – TJR Wrestling

With the sad news on the current health of 'Superstar' Billy Graham, Ric Flair has spoken of how he was one of his...

Actualité internationale

La star de la WWE Billy Graham décède à l’âge de 79 ans après avoir été débranché des machines de maintien de vie.

Graham had been in the hospital for a number of months dealing with a 'myriad of very serious health issues' and had been...

Actualité internationale

WWE : Billy Graham a le soutien total de Ric Flair alors qu’il est sous assistance respiratoire.

Taking to Twitter on Monday, the 16-time World Champion offered his full support to Graham, 79, also sharing how much of an impact...