Home Tedros Adhanom

Tedros Adhanom

Actualité internationale

CM – WHO calls for a moratorium on COVID vaccine refreshments by 2022

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Actualité internationale

CM – Le chef de l’OMS appelle à un moratoire de deux mois sur les rappels de vaccins

BUDAPEST, Hongrie (AP) – Le chef de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a appelé hier à un moratoire de deux mois sur...

Actualité internationale

CM – China needs to work better with Covid origin probe – WHO

GENEVA, Switzerland – The WHO chief called on China on Thursday to be more cooperative and demand more access to raw data in...

Actualité internationale

CM – China officially declared malaria-free by the WHO

The World Health Organization officially declared China malaria-free on Wednesday, making it the first country in the Western Pacific to eliminate the life-threatening...

Actualité internationale

CM – WHO chief Tedros says he will focus on the pandemic if asked about the second term

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Monday he was focused on tackling the current pandemic when asked if he ...